Category: Fun
The adventures of Zebra Zebra. 1. Zebra Crossing. Abbey Road is a 1969 album by The Beatles, which is named after Abbey Road, the street where the studio is located. "Here Comes the Sun" is the most popular Abbey Road song of the digital age. ... read more |
Want to hear a construction joke? Oh never mind, I’m still working on that one. ... read more |
Keep practicing with two keys Shark means "haai" in Dutch, another word for a good day, that's a nice thing. Shark attacks are a relatively rare phenomenon. This is because humans are not natural prey for the shark and it ... read more |
Picnic Picnics are fun, you go looking for a nice place together and then put down your blanket and sit down. You have filled a wicker basket with all kinds of snacks in advance. You may also have brought music with you and you can ... read more |
It's more fun in the Philippines sa Kabankalan ni, sa Mag-aso Falls. tahom tahom... Cbra Systems in the Philippines, at least a T-shirt from Cbra Systems which my neighbor is wearing. He loves his wife, enjoys cycling ... read more |
What is your favorite ice cream? Cbra S-ys-tems
The first ice cream from Cbra Systems was designed and produced by the Geerlings brothers on April 1, 2008.
This initiative was immediately received with great enthusiasm by the ... read more |
Is there something? Everyone should believe in something. I believe I should go to the BEACH. I don't believe in things that come from above.
It's not an easy feelin' to describe but I have to call it love..
Love for the death, love for a ghost all ... read more |
I´ve got the key Trish Thunderstone ft. UCC - The Key (Remix)
I´ve got the key.
I´ve got the secret.
Got it hidden in my heart.
But this day, I´ll start
to open up the door to your heart.
All the stars in me.
Different ways to see.
The key will set us ... read more |
Cbra Designs
If you enjoy using Cbra Systems, you can support me by buying me a coffee for further development. Every donation is appreciated! Or you can buy something from Cbra Designs (things you can't buy elsewhere). Why? Because it is hand-crafted, and most of the time, useful.